“Poiesis / Atrapados en el Tiempo”
15 - 30 April, 2023
Talents from the largest island of the Antilles, Cuba. Proud to be Cuban, in love with all kinds of emotions, "Ajiaco" of slavery and transfiguration, "poisoned" of POIESIS, distilling the exoticism of the Caribbean, they meet today HECTOR MANUEL PEREZ BRITO and ALEX MORALES - "El Chewy".
FRESA Y CHOCOLATE Gallery invites you to dive into figurative, abstract and surrealism told in different dimensions by these two singular artists.

The Exhibition
The Artworks
The Videos
The "Finnisage"
The Artists

Born in Havana, the eldest of six children of a couple of professional musicians, the artist grows up in a very creative environment. In the deprived society of a politically controlled Cuba, people who are happy to live cultivate their vitality in the private space. It is here that aspirations, dreams and visions flourish, unhindered by materialistic endeavors or the pressure to perform. They find artistic expression in music, dance and the visual arts.
Already in school, little Alex caricatures his teachers. In addition to his apprenticeship as an electrician, he attends the art academy in a kindergarten and sells his paintings at the market. Fascinated by the power of his creations, he was discovered by a French journalist who was investigating the lifestyle of young and old in the communist country.
In 1997, Morales obtained an exit permit from the Minister of Culture and emigrated permanently to Europe. In the Latin Quarter of Paris, young artists inspire each other. Very quickly, he is attracted by Switzerland, in Bern. In addition to odd jobs to earn a modest living, he works creatively with Cuban friends under his artist name "Chewy".
Since 2010 he lives with his family in Zurich, works in the evening in his painting studio, mixes music as a DJ or sings. He has exhibited nationally and in Zurich.

I was born on October 30, 1971 in Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba. My childhood was spent between institutions and schools, nothing extraordinary. Only one significant fact influenced my future: my mother, a writer and librarian, made me share the wonderful world of books, "mis abuelos de papel" as I used to call them. However, a mania persists since my childhood on the tip of my index finger; with it, I draw in the air all that my dreams let glimpse, hundreds and hundreds of shapes and colors that never remained fixed after the passage of the winds.
After graduating in Science and Letters (Navy School, 1989), my vocation is pronounced and once my compulsory military service is over, during which I assume the function of cultural promoter, I continue my studies at the National School of Theater of Havana, obtaining the diploma of Director, Actor and Teacher of Theater (1995) and a training in cinematographic direction.
Since then, I have been working in theatrical creation, directing different plays, performances and happenings. In 1996, I travel to Geneva where I establish contacts with different artists and create the Theatrical Ensemble VRAK'S T'ATROS which will result in the performances of the play "El Filántropo" by V. Piñera (2001-2002), "Delirio Habanero" by A. Pedro Torriente (2012), "False Alarm" by V. Piñera (2019) among others, as well as multiple individual and collective exhibitions in different countries. This group brings together painters, sculptors, poets, circus artists and film artists.
It is curious and important to point out that the majority of my scenic creation up to now has been very marked and influenced by the plastic arts and more specifically by painting.
Finally, after reviewing the many drawings and sketches I have made in various notebooks, loose sheets, napkins and any material that defies the wind, my index finger is irrevocably transformed into a brush to give the poetry of the soul the colors of my dreams.